Donate DNA Kits for #AdopteeRightsAwareness

This month, and coincidentally NA(A)M, my friend and activist colleague Greg Luce is celebrating his bastardly birthday by setting up a DNA test kit donation initiative to help other adoptees who may not be able to afford tests.

Greg writes in his Adoptee Rights Law blog:

And here’s what I ask of you, whether an adoptee, adoptive parent, birthparent, stepparent, sibling, LDA, ICA, desendant—however you identify yourself during this month of awareness. Please consider donating a bit during November to help adoptees. Already, just in posting on Twitter, I’ve had two people match my own $69 donation for a kit as well as others pledging time to help interpret and use the results.

Even if you are a poor bastard, you can help:

But I’m not asking for people to do that much. Five bucks is enough if many of us donate. That’s it. I will then collect those donations, report back on everything collected, and throw out all the kudos to all of you for pitching in. Then, we’ll start the process of determining how best to distribute donated kits to adoptees who would like to do DNA testing but can’t quite afford the cost.

As of November 9, 13 kits have been donated!

Here is the donation form!

Please donate!  When I get paid next week. I am!


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