Welcome to National Adoption Awareness Month, Again. Getting ready for the collective upchuck.

It’s that special time of year again when adoptees young and old, are objectified, commodified, homogenized and monetized by the media, the adoption industry and its special- interest hangers-on– consumers, lobbyists, politicians, anti-aborts, evangelicals, white saviors, neo-colonialists, social engineers, nation builders, and kitchen table entrepreneurs–rallying ’round the flag chanting their good works. Note the invisibility in this celebratory circle jerk of producers (natural, birth, first, original biological parents) and products (hapless schmuck bastards) and the emphasis on white picket fence consumers with disposable–or crowd funded– incomes in need of “a child” to make them “complete.” With their stories dripping in sentiment, personal drama, and public theatre, you’d never know that the adoptee rights movement is well into it’s 7th decade or that not all adopted people are enamored for a myriad of reasons, with adoption in general or their adoption in particular. Hell, most people outside of AdoptionLand don’t even know that our original birth certificates are sealed. NAAM, in essence, is a time for hard core primal woundies and reunionists, and hard core political organizers and activists, often at odds, to issue a collective projectile upchuck. Continue Reading →

National Adoption Awareness Month Prequel: Blessed by Adoption

Life is a gift, NAAMsters proclaim, and adoptees are a gift, nonetheless erased curiously +from the adoption narrative, snuggled safely and quietly inside “the family”–or in the case of Blessed by Adoption hoodies, between two hearts. An odd position for the symbol of” life” they purport to cherish. Continue Reading →

The Bastard Moment and the Bastard Nation Moment

Damsel Plum: I would like to propose a new term: the “Bastard Nation moment”. The Bastard Nation moment is an episode in an adoptee’s life which makes you proud to be a Bastard. It’s when you realize that you are not alone, that there are many millions of people in this nation and around the world who do not consider being adopted shameful and who do agree that adult adoptees should have the same civil rights as the rest of the non-criminal adult population. Continue Reading →

#flipthescript: a few thoughts

The #flipthescript campaign is a welcome addition to the adoptee rights movement, but it is sad, alarming, and well…crazy that after 60 years of adoptee rights agitation Class Bastard still has to fight for the simple “right” of voice, while the US adoption spammer and its special interests loudmouths its way across the universe continuing to grind out adoption-ready bastards, fractured families, and Big Secrets and Lies for profit. Continue Reading →